Avocado Toast

When I decided to take on my 28 Day Vegetarian challenge back in February this dish was truly a staple in my diet. It's easy, tasty and only contains a handful of ingredients. Who doesn't love a 5 minute meal???

So for this #meatlessmonday enjoy some Avocado Toast! Enjoy it for breakfast, lunch or a middle of the day snack.

Avocado Toast.jpg

Avocado Toast

Serving Size - 1


  • 1 slice Ezekiel Sprouted Grain bread

  • 1/4 Avocado

  • Season - sea salt, lemon, hot sauce


  1. Toast bread

  2. Spread avocado on toast

  3. Season with your favorite ingredients (I like to use all 3)

That’s right folks, it is that easy!!!! A delicious meal of healthy carbs and health fats.

Remember, food is fuel, it needs to get you from point A to point B, not everything needs to be a decadent meal, though once you taste this toast you will see how decadent just a few ingredients can be!


Lauren Courtney